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​                                                           Our Savior’s Lutheran Church  
                                                  Church Council Minutes: June 17, 2024 
Council Members Present: Pastor Dennis, President Brandon W., VP Dawn G., Gordy N., Secretary Shana B., Destiny C., and Rick H. Council Members Absent: Riley C.
Call meeting to Order: President Brandon 
Addition and Approval of Agenda: Dawn moved to approve the agenda as written. Destiny seconded. All were in favor and the motion carried. 
1. Pastor’s Report: Pastor discussed the 2024 Synod Assembly that was held May 31 – June 2nd in Watford City. The Assembly considered a resolution resolving that the Synod Council of the WNDS to begin a study of opportunities for and the feasibility of enacting a process through which the Synod’s concerns and views are made known to North Dakota Legislators. Pastor stated a 
resolution concerning Civic Life and Faith Study and Feasibility was passed. 
2. Resolution #4 which directed the WND Synod and it members to consider discussing Christian Nationalism. Pastor asked is this was something the Council was interested in and OS Church Council unanimously agreed to focus on local issues. 
3. Approval of the Minutes: Dawn made a motion to approve the minutes from January 10, January 28, and May 16, 2024, as written. Rick seconded. All were in favor and the motion carried. 
4. Treasurer’s Report: Pastor made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report of May 31, 2024 and pay the bills. Dawn seconded. All were in favor and the motion carried. Revenues continue to fall short of budget by $13,522.25 and actual expenses by $8,580.55. 
Committee Reports 
1. Worship: Next meeting will be on June 20, 2024. 
2. Education: Next meeting date will be in August. 
3. Youth Group: Has not met. 
4. Property: Nothing to report. 
5. Stewardship: Has not met. 
6. Parish Council: Next meeting date is July 18, 2024. 
Old Business 
1. Fleischkuekle Fundraiser: We will hold a Fleischkuekle fundraiser on Sunday, September 29th from 10 AM until 2 PM. M&L 
Concessions will provide the Fleischkuekle and fry it for us. Shana will work on a flyer and bring it back to the next meeting. 
2. Welcome Baskets: Destiny got a list of new residents that have moved to Stanton in the last two years. She is working with Cindy in 
creating a logo. Will discuss again in August or September. 
New Business 
1. Church Parsonage Rent: Renters have signed another one-year lease. Rent will stay the same at $600/month. 
2. Cemetery Mowing/Removal of Arrangements: Brandon stated there was some trouble of flower arrangements getting stuck in the mower blade. It was decided two weeks after 
Memorial Day, arrangements would be taken off the graves. There was discussion of putting up signs at the cemetery. 
Up-Coming Events 
1. June 28-29, 2024 Stanton will be holding their citywide rummage sales. The Ladies of the church will be preparing hotdogs, chili burgers, chips, cookies and a bottle of water for $5. They will be serving it at the Civic Center from 10 AM until they run out. 
Other Business 
1. Correspondence: Camp of the Cross has requested $700 to feed the campers this summer. Rick reported OS already gives $200 each quarter to Camp of the Cross. 
2. Next Meeting Date: July 11, 2024 @ 6 PM 
Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. 
Respectfully submitted, upon approval at the next council meeting, Shana B.