Our Savior's Lutheran Church
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​from my perspective…

It’s time for Lent. Oh boy! The purpose of Lent is the 40-day preparation of the believer for Easter, just as Jesus, Moses, and Elijah fasted and prayed in the wilderness before engaging in God’s plan of salvation for God’s people. We are encouraged to observe Lent in prayer, setting rich living aside, repentance of sins, giving to the less fortunate, and self-denial, which some do by fasting. 

We take time to attend Lenten Supper Fellowship and Wednesday worship, beginning with Ash Wednesday on March 5th. (6:00 at Our Savior’s and 7:30 at St. Paul) Because there are Christians who attend during Christmas and Easter, this is a great time to invite your neighbors to church.

The theme for this Lent will be Freedom in Christ.

Sunday, March 2nd. In Jesus’ Transfiguration, we celebrate the freedom we have from the lies of the Devil, that God is far away. God has come near.

Ash Wednesday, March 5th. We remember that we are free to approach the throne of God and seek his mercy anytime.

Sunday, March 9th. We rejoice in being free from the burden of guilt so that we can help the less fortunate.

Sunday, March 16th. We rejoice in our adoption as children of God so that we can pray for others.

Sunday, March 23rd. We rejoice in the freedom to forgive and guide others into a new life in Christ.

Sunday, March 30th. We rejoice that we are no longer ‘lost sheep.’ Christ has found and claimed us as His own. We are no longer alone.

Won’t you join us in March? Jesus’ teaching in Luke 9-15 is just as relevant today as it was when He walked on the Earth. More to the point, His Words of Life are more freeing than any human philosophy or self-help method. Come and see why. The revelation may be life-changing for you.

Your pastor, Dennis


I welcome your comments regarding our shared ministry at Our Savior's.
 If you would rather comment privately; please, email me at prshepherd@westriv.com

I deeply desire to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or circumstances in life. 

Neither the hospitals or care centers are allowing visitation.
 If it a matter of life and death, call me and I will contact them.​

Pastor Dennis
Pastor Dennis R.
We have had our share of challenges this year. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with fear and despair, I invite you to lay your hands on a copy of Max Lucado's book 
Anxious for Nothing: 
Finding Calm in a Chaotic World.

We, also, have a helpful copy of "Cancer. Now What?" 
available in the church office. 

Of course, please contact me if you would like to chat or meet for a cup of coffee. 

Pastor Dennis