Our Savior's Lutheran Church
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​from my perspective…

  Who are we as Christians – and why does it matter?

OK, let’s set the stage. Our culture is far from harmonious. People are accused, convicted, and condemned on ‘news’ casts or social media posts.

But on a prairie, the voices that tear apart are silent. Unless, of course, we are surfing our phones at the same time. 

Our time may seem unique, but then I read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians (4:14-15): “…no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him…”

“Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:31–32, ESV)

It’s not the child’s fault – they only mirror what they see and hear.

  Where do we find a safe harbor to build a solid foundation for our home, family, and community? Would it surprise you to hear me assert that it is the Church of Jesus Christ preaching and teaching God’s Word of life, revealed in Holy Scripture?

  In October, we will explore some of God’s Big Ideas that separate and strengthen the Children of God to walk more peacefully in a world where “many will come to lead you astray,” and there are “wars and rumors of wars.” (Matthew 24)

On Sunday, October 6th, we’ll begin at the very beginning. The very heart of why God’s children view the world differently from all human factions and ideologies and, for that matter, religions.

  Sunday, October 13th: We will be blessed to have Bishop Craig Schweitzer with us. I’ve asked Bishop Craig to address the mission of the greater church in the world. A potluck with the Bishop will follow services.

On Sunday, October 20th, we will remember that Moses told the children of Israel to “Remember the Lord.” Jesus tells us in the Lord’s Supper to “Remember me.” What are we supposed to remember, and why is it important?

On Sunday, October 27th, we will remember the Reformation, especially why Luther is unique among the reformers.

Come and see all that the Lord has done for us so that we can walk through the storms and chaos of the world and teach our children to do the same.

Your pastor, Dennis.



I welcome your comments regarding our shared ministry at Our Savior's.
 If you would rather comment privately; please, email me at prshepherd@westriv.com

I deeply desire to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or circumstances in life. 

Neither the hospitals or care centers are allowing visitation.
 If it a matter of life and death, call me and I will contact them.​

Pastor Dennis
Pastor Dennis R.
We have had our share of challenges this year. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with fear and despair, I invite you to lay your hands on a copy of Max Lucado's book 
Anxious for Nothing: 
Finding Calm in a Chaotic World.

We, also, have a helpful copy of "Cancer. Now What?" 
available in the church office. 

Of course, please contact me if you would like to chat or meet for a cup of coffee. 

Pastor Dennis