Our Savior's Lutheran Church
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from my perspective…

  Paul writes, “Remember, you were once dead in your sin.” and, “Remember, at one time you were separated from Christ.” Moses writes, “Remember you were once slaves in Egypt.” Jesus tells the disciples and us, “Remember me.” 
And in July, we remember the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 
Why should we remember? Because, frankly, we have a short memory + a penchant for taking freedom for granted. What should we remember? God has a plan by which He works through His people to redeem humankind from sin, death and the power of evil.

The first step was instituted when God led the children of Israel out into the wilderness to teach them how to live as a free people – loving Him and one another - a free society dedicated to living under God rather than living under kings and emperors - “one nation under God.” Let’s consider do we understand justice from kings or from God’s word? I would submit that the world did not know justice before God taught the Israelites in the wilderness. 
A brief look at how the kings or emperors of any age treated the people will bear my assertion. In addition, God teaches that individual righteousness is not enough. God calls the Israelites and us to live in His justice as a responsibility of all, ‘to form a more perfect union.” Furthermore, when we see God calling the Israelites to not only welcome but make a place for the stranger, the widow and orphan and anyone who is in need. This is what it means to live in “liberty and justice for all.”

Lastly, we see that freedom is more complex than slavery. Balancing order and chaos, law and grace, takes great concentration on faithfulness to the spirit of God’s instruction. Remember, the powers of darkness seek to disrupt, deceive, and destroy. 
The agents of evil often advocate that freedom means ignoring laws created for the common good, but freedom without order results in chaos. For instance, the Israelites became tired of waiting for Moses and decided to have a great big party with a new god fashioned out of gold. (Deuteronomy 9).Sound familiar? On the other hand, Jesus took the religious leaders to task for worshipping God’s law and human tradition as an idol while ignoring the greater spirit of God’s instruction – stifling order without freedom equals slavery.

 God meant for us to understand the Spirit and Truth of His instruction for the common good. Please join us as we explore God’s teachings in Deuteronomy and Jesus’ Words in the Gospels this summer. 
See you in church, 
your pastor, Dennis. 


I welcome your comments regarding our shared ministry at Our Savior's.
 If you would rather comment privately; please, email me at prshepherd@westriv.com

I deeply desire to bring Christian comfort and the power of prayer to those who are challenged with sickness or circumstances in life. 

Neither the hospitals or care centers are allowing visitation.
 If it a matter of life and death, call me and I will contact them.​

Pastor Dennis
Pastor Dennis R.
We have had our share of challenges this year. 

If you or someone you know is struggling with fear and despair, I invite you to lay your hands on a copy of Max Lucado's book 
Anxious for Nothing: 
Finding Calm in a Chaotic World.

We, also, have a helpful copy of "Cancer. Now What?" 
available in the church office. 

Of course, please contact me if you would like to chat or meet for a cup of coffee. 

Pastor Dennis